Dr Shetty

Obstetrician Westmead

Dr Prayatna Shetty

Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist
MBBS, M.D., DRANZCOG, FRANZCOG, CMFM (Certification in Maternal Fetal Medicine)

Dr Prayatna (Yana) Shetty is an obstetrician and a Maternal and Fetal Medicine Specialist. Only a select few obstetricians hold this degree.

Dr Shetty manages high-risk pregnancy as well as low-risk pregnancy and provides a range of general obstetrics and ultrasound services. This includes preconception consultations, fetal aneuploidy screening, genetic consultations, second opinion ultrasounds as well as miscarriage and pre-term birth prevention clinics.

She also routinely treats fetal abnormalities, placenta or amniotic fluid conditions, and offers postpartum care and office gynaecological procedures.

Dr Shetty works at Westmead Private Hospital and Norwest Private Hospital where she manages every aspect of patient care.
She is also a staff specialist in Maternal and Fetal Medicine Department in Westmead Public Hospital.

Dr Shetty

Dr Shetty has helped hundreds of women achieve good outcomes in both low risk and high-risk pregnancies. Dr Shetty believes that medical care should be affordable and offers range of options to suit your pregnancy needs.

From preconception counselling through to delivery and recovery, Dr Prayatna Shetty will care for you through kindness, compassion, and excellence that you deserve. She believes in providing the best possible care for you and your baby.

Dr Shetty speaks many languages including English, Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi and Urdu.

Meet Dr Prayatna Shetty here.

Before Pregnancy

Before Pregnancy

Going into pregnancy in the best health, offers the best chance for your baby.
Dr Shetty will also help you achieve optimal outcomes, especially if you have gone through a previous loss, preterm birth, miscarriage or recurrent miscarriage. 

Early Pregnancy

Early Pregnancy

Dr Shetty will confirm your pregnancy with an ultrasound and support you through early pregnancy issues like morning sickness. She will provide you with advice on optimal antenatal care including early scan for Down syndrome screening, genetic carrier screening and advice on NIPT.

During Pregnancy
During Pregnancy

Dr Shetty provides antenatal care tailored to your needs including thorough assessment at each visit including 3D/4D ultrasounds.
She will support your birthing choices to ensure you are front and centre of your pregnancy journey.
Find out about luxury birthing here.

Luxury Birthing

After Pregnancy

Dr Shetty will support you after your birth by linking you with breastfeeding support, a dietitian and she can also assist with common post-birth issues.
Dr Shetty will offer you a pap smear post-delivery and contraception advice that suits your needs.

Some of the most common conditions that Dr Shetty treats include

  • Asthma in pregnancy 
  • Auto-immune disease in pregnancy (Lupus, MS, Inflammatory bowel)
  • Clotting disorders    
  • Heart disease in pregnancy
  • High blood pressure in pregnancy
  • Gastrointestinal disease in pregnancy 
  • Gestational diabetes and pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy 
  • Infectious disease in pregnancy 
  • Kidney disease in pregnancy
  • Multiple birth pregnancies
  • Recurrent Miscarriage
  • Preterm birth
  • Obesity in pregnancy 
  • Pre-Eclampsia
  • Preterm labour or previous preterm birth
  • Seizure disorders  in pregnancy 
  • Thyroid disorders in pregnancy
  • Amniotic Fluid Issues
  • Preterm labour
  • Fetal growth restriction
  • Genetic or chromosomal disorders
  • Congenital Abnormalities
  • Multiple pregnancies 
  • Placental problems 
  • Pre-term birth risk 
  • Suspected birth defects 
  • Small for gestational age (SGA)
  • Twin pregnancies 
  • Triplet pregnancies


Dr Shetty’s Philosophy

“Whether it is a complicated pregnancy or difficult birth, I am inspired daily by the courage and undeviating determination of my patients to help find their baby find the way ‘home’ to loving arms.

My goal for every patient is to make them feel comfortable and in control of their pregnancy by providing compassionate and connected care. 

I believe “a mother knows best,” and feel humbled to work together with mothers to make important decisions at a time they need it most.”

Dr Shetty

~ Dr Prayatna Shetty